cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Jean Walters

Motivate, Inspire and Lead …

     Jean Walters has been at the forefront in the movement for personal transformation, clarity, and truth for over 35 years.  Through her writing, consulting, coaching, and Akashic Readings, her message and purpose are as inspiring as the peace and positivity that imbue her. Jean’s intention and commitment to deepest truth have brought her to share her wisdom and guidance to tens of thousands of clients and students.

     She is a Best Selling Author in the US and Internationally and, through her intuitive channel, she has provided over 35,000 Akashic record readings to people all over the world. It is but one highlight of a varied and successful career, which includes working with and training individuals, organizations and businesses. Her expertise is personal and spiritual development and empowerment. She can ignite a person or team and supply tools to express highest energy and achieve success. Whether old school or new millennium, you will find Jean’s authenticity and wisdom compelling and magical. 

     Overcoming obstacles, confronting life’s challenges, breaking though boundaries are dealt with along with designing solutions, re-education, and resolution.  If you are ready to reach your full potential, learn new methods, and condition yourself for success, call her. Personal growth consultations supply the insight and tools needed to reach your unlimited ability to be, do or have whatever you desire.  Seminars and classes offer tools to broaden vision and manage real world issues. 


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond