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Sponsor Profile: Living Kabbalah - Osiris Indriya

Living Kabbalah

Living Kabbalah

Experience the Fruits of the Tree of Life
Kabbalah unlocks the potential of your own divine nature to know and accomplish your unique purpose in life. If you are ready for real and lasting change, for a stronger connection to the intangible and infinite energy of Spirit, then join us on this journey!

About Mystery School Kabbalah
Combining Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and Metaphysics, Living Kabbalah provides an opportunity to acquire the “skeleton key” or universal access that can open all of the secret doors of this amazing experience of life. Ultimately, the fruits of this study lead one to “Know Thyself” as a co-creator with the Divine Source of all things.

Our primary tool is the ancient Kabbalistic symbol known as the Tree of Life. This glyph is a diagram of how creation happens, and a map for humanity to return to our spiritual source. The Tree of Life is also the DNA, the blueprint of one’s entire being. In ascending the Tree of Life, the blueprint of life itself is explained and influenced so that we can truly transform ourselves… inside and out.

Kabbalah helps us to answer these questions:
•Who am I?
•What am I?
•Where did I come from?
•Where am I going?
•What is my purpose in life?

The process of uncovering the answers to the questions above will reorganize the mind and increase your connection to your own divine spirit. This enhances your capacity to see and understand the hidden messages found in life, applying more of our energy and power toward fulfilling your higher purpose. You become more confident, and embrace new experiences.

Program Overview
The Living Kabbalah program brings the ancient tradition of Mystery School teachings and the Tree of Life into a practical and accessible form through a proven process called Ascension. This is a universal and ancient spiritual “technology” from the oral tradition of the Lineage of King Salomon the Wise. During our 10-Month Program, you will meet for five Ascension classes and have the option to participate in 11 peer study sessions. The final Ascension class is a weekend retreat in the woods of western Washington.

Visit our website today to learn more about all of our classes and services in Spiritual Progression, Healing Sessions, Personal Clearings, and Space Energy Clearing and Blessing services.

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